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The exotic UK beach you can only get to by hiking three miles!

This TINY beach has been described as "like paradise" and "exotic", but you will need to put the work in to get to it!

Viewers have been raving about this beach, saying it's one of the most beautiful places they've ever visited.

Well known TV presenter Steve Backshall said that while it can "only be accessed by kayak or by walking three miles," it's worth it to have it "entirely to yourself".

Image of Sandaig Bay in Scotland
Image via Walk Highlands

TV presenter Steve Backshall raved about the white-yellow sands and landscape too, telling the Guardian: "You look across the straits out to the Cuillin hills on Skye, and behind you you’ve got the towering peaks of Knoydart – gargantuan mountains that drop straight down to the loch."

He said the loch was "utter paradise" where you can even see otters and dolphins right up close when kayaking, and even spot the Northern Lights if lucky.

Image of Sandaig Bay in Scotland
Copyright: Neil James Cresswell via Flickr

And he's not the only one who's been raving about this hidden gem! Other tourists have raved about the bay too, with one person saying there were "breathtaking views of the secluded bay hidden from sight until you arrive just above the islands on the pathway."

Another agreed: "Stunning bay full of little coves and wildlife, otters are a particular popular spot here."

This little gem is called Sandaig Bay, and is located on the northwestern end of Loch Nevis in Scotland.

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