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Rare phenomenon glowing blue water spotted in Kent

A rare sighting of glowing blue water was spotted in some parts of The Garden of England; Kent!

Visitors could see Bioluminescence across Broadstairs, Eastchurch and Herne Bay, in which you would usually see these type of things in countries like The Maldives and Caribbean!

Bioluminescence can mostly be seen in Caribbean islands such as Puero Rico as well as The Maldives. However, it is possible to spot them off our coastlines when the weather is warm.

Bioluminescence spotted in Broadstairs
Bioluminescence spotted in Broadstairs

These colourful effects are usually caused by a production of light through tiny organisms such as plankton.

The water appears to be a bright blue due to the plankton using it as a defence mechanism when the environment is disturbed.

Bioluminescence was spotted in Warden Point, Eastchurch. Picture: Ben Gruber
Bioluminescence was spotted in Warden Point, Eastchurch. Picture: Ben Gruber

It's not the first time this cool blowing water has been senn in Kent; with previous sightings in May 2020 around this time last year in Botany Bay.

Users commenting on social media described the sight as “otherworldly” and “incredible”.

PLEASE NOTE: Bioluminescence should only be admired from afar as touching it can have severe effects on human health such as skin infections.

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