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Kennall Vale | Hidden Waterfall in Cornwall, England

Updated: Mar 5

Kennall Vale Nature Reserve is a beautiful woodland walk which features old ruins from the gun powder factory which has been left to nature. There are plenty of waterfalls to see, some small and some fast flowing.

Image of Kennall Vale in England.
Photo taken by @inca_kernow via Instagram.

Kennall Vale is a great place for a scenic walk with decent pathways and is a photographers dream location! It's surrounded by mini waterfalls and historic buildings, and is a good destination to spend a few hours.

Amazing walks, plenty of waterfalls, so therapeutic and mostly safe paths. Would definitely go again. There's no car park but there's always spaces around the village. – Google Review

Overall, Kennall Vale is a place of great atmosphere; featuring wet bright mosses and overhanging trees suddenly give way to the remains of old stone buildings and waterfalls. It can get muddy so we recommend bringing walking boots.

FAQs/Things to know before visiting Kennall Vale

1) Where is Kennall Vale located?

Kennall Vale is located near the village of Ponsanooth in Cornwall, England.

2) What makes Kennall Vale a hidden gem?

Kennall Vale is considered a hidden gem due to its secluded location, lush woodland, and the remnants of its industrial past, including old mine workings and ruins, offering visitors a unique blend of natural beauty and historical interest.

3) How do I get to Kennall Vale?

Visitors can access Kennall Vale by car or public transportation. There are parking areas near Ponsanooth, from where visitors can enjoy a scenic walk to the vale. Additionally, there are public footpaths leading to Kennall Vale from nearby villages.

4) Is there an entrance fee to visit Kennall Vale?

There is no entrance fee to visit Kennall Vale, as it is an open-access site for visitors to enjoy.

5) What can I expect to see at Kennall Vale?

At Kennall Vale, visitors can explore the enchanting woodland trails, admire the scenic beauty of the river, and discover the remnants of the area's industrial heritage, including old mine workings, ruins, and the striking Kennall Vale Gunpowder Works.

6) Are guided tours available for Kennall Vale?

While there may not be formal guided tours, visitors can explore Kennall Vale on their own, following marked trails and enjoying the natural beauty and historical features of the area.

7) Is Kennall Vale suitable for families and children?

Yes, Kennall Vale is suitable for families and children, offering a family-friendly environment for outdoor exploration and enjoyment. Parents should supervise young children closely, especially near any old mine workings or uneven terrain.

8) Are dogs allowed at Kennall Vale?

Yes, dogs are typically permitted at Kennall Vale, but owners must keep them on a leash and clean up after them to preserve the cleanliness and safety of the area.

9) Are there facilities or amenities near Kennall Vale?

The nearby village of Ponsanooth may offer amenities such as parking, accommodations, restrooms, and dining options for visitors. It is advisable to come prepared with any necessary supplies.

10) What is the best time to visit Kennall Vale?

Kennall Vale can be visited all year-round, each season offering its own unique beauty. Spring and summer months are particularly pleasant for exploring the woodland and enjoying the flora and fauna. However, autumn can also be a beautiful time to visit, with the changing colors of the leaves adding to the scenic charm of the vale.

Image of Kennall Vale in England.
Photo taken by @inca_kernow via Instagram.

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