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Jaw dropping 11ft shark circles around waters of packed Bournemouth beach

A MASSIVE 11ft shark was filmed floating around the waters of Bournmouth as beachgoers sunbathed in the sunshine only metres away!

A surfer called Christian Pepin spotted the sea beast from above whilst walking around the pier and caught the footage of the predator lurking in the shadows.

The video shwos the shadow of the shark with its long tail flapping around as waves crash over it.

Video screenshot taken by Christian Pepin

The surfer posted the video to the Surfers of Bournemouth Pier Facebook group, which has attracted quite the attention with it being shared over a thousand times!

The beach was picked with people, with even swimmers seen paddling nearby completely unaware of the predator lurking near them.

Click the video below to watch the full footage! (Credit: Christian Pepin).

Viewers have been trying to determine which species this is, with one viewer, Philip Locke saying: "Looks like a small tope shark they are always found along sand banks on shorelines, harmless (but) would still give you a bit of shock."

Also known as the school shark, the tope often swims close to shore around the UK’s coasts.

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