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1 hour queue to visit the Snowdon Summit over the bank holiday

Bank Holiday weekends are always the busiest when it comes to hiking mountains, and this weekend was no different with all the crowds hiking Snowdon!

And with stunning views as a reward for reaching the top, it's no wonder people are heading to Yr Wyddfa, also known as Snowdon, especially with the sunny weather we have!

But unfortuntely the Welsh mountain's popularity suffered enormous crowds over the May bank holiday weekend.

Image of Snowdon in Wales

As you can see from the video below taken on the 25th May, queues were between 30 minutes to 1 hour long at Snowdon!

And now social media users have been argueing about the length queue which is formed for the summit, with some users claiming "It's not Thorpe Park, there shouldnt be a queue!"

Would you queue for a picture at the summit of Snowdon? Let us know!

Video Credit: @lxiords on TikTok.

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